What Is A Central HVAC?

What Is A Central HVAC?

HVAC is a term that you will commonly hear in the heating and cooling industry. It stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, which are three important functions that HVAC units can fulfill in one compact system. These units are commonplace in today’s modern homes and buildings. The addition of a central HVAC is the easiest way to heat or cool an entire home. It should be noted, however, that this central unit does use a large amount of energy. Heating and cooling will generally make up around 44 percent of your utility bill. However, central HVAC systems have improved substantially over the past decade in terms of energy efficiency. You can really save money by properly maintaining and upgrading your unit as necessary. Let’s take a brief look at how a central HVAC system works as well a unit’s efficiency.

How A Central HVAC Works

To keep things simple, a central HVAC unit involves three basic components: A source of cooled or warmed air, a mechanism to distribute the air to the rooms to be cooled or heated, and a control used to regulate the system, such as a thermostat. The unit operates on the principle that heat always moves from a warm object to a cooler one. During the summer, the unit will extract heat from the indoor air and transfer it outside, which will leave cooled indoor air to be recirculated through your ducts by a fan.

Rating HVAC Efficiency

If you’re in the market for an HVAC system, you will absolutely be interested in the efficiency of the units available. HVAC units are rated by a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). Most units generally receive a rating between 13 and 23. You will want to be on the lookout for the Energy Star label, which means that the unit has received a minimum SEER efficiency level of 14. This indicates that the unit is in the top 25 percent of efficient models.

The addition of an HVAC really is the most convenient way to heat or cool your entire home. Remember to select an efficient unit that features the Energy Star label. Also, be sure to maintain and upgrade equipment as necessary.This will help you save money on your utility bill.

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